I have been dealing with prisoners held within America’s prisons for a few years now. I first started out writing to a few I considered “Political Prisoners” to reach out to that I considered to be fellow Patriots wrongly imprisoned. As my address got passed around within prisons I found my Post Office Box receiving mail from other prisoners that I had never initially wrote. I wanted to write back and respond to each and every correspondence I received. That soon became a daunting task so I considered writing form-letters of some sort. The form-letters would try to cover general areas, and answer the most commonly asked Bible questions. As I sat down to bang something out on my keyboard, I realized it was a newsletter I needed to create. Previously I had resigned from another patriotic and Christian ministry and founded my own I labeled the CHRISTIAN PATRIOT & TRUTH MINISTRY. I didn’t originally intend on publishing a newsletter as part of my ministry. Nor did I intend on working with prisoners as the main focus of C.P.T.M. I simply wanted to take advantage of not being tied down, or censored, and share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as my social views and political philosophies, in my own personal style. I am a creative person when it comes to word usage and articulating my thoughts. I also have my own views and beliefs on things that don’t always necessarily coincide with my fellow Christian Patriots. Not only do I have some religious, social and political beliefs that don’t fall in line with others, I also have a way of expressing them that seems to be taboo, even in the most “politically-incorrect” of circles.
I found self-publishing my own writings, and that new found avenue of free expression, to be refreshing. There was no one to answer to, accept Almighty God. Though my “first love” is speaking live, writing my thoughts on paper to share with those who can not hear my words in person was also a great outlet for me. It still is, and I don’t plan to stop writing anytime soon. I will not publish a newsletter anymore, that is for sure. I will publish my writings, just in a different format. I did enjoy putting my own monthly newsletter out for over 4 years, but it is time for me to move on. My ministry’s newsletter went out all over the country. I never charged for it and paying for the copying and postage was quite the financial burden on me. I am a Blue Collar Working Class guy after all, and the costs ran into the thousands over the years. I had gained hundreds of subscribers’ names and addresses over the 4+ years. I know I also had a few thousand readers, as prisoners would share my newsletters with others who were not on the C.P.T.M. mailing list.
The funny thing is I never started out to have a prison ministry. I had originally begun the newsletter with a short mailing list of names to send it too. Almost instantly it grew, as other prisoners would write in requesting to have their name and address added to the mailing list. For almost the whole 4 years of publishing I never turned any request away. It was towards the end that I began to realize a pattern that caused me to re-think that policy. I began to see that I was being used by many prisoners. Some prisoners would send in a stamp, or a bunch of stamps, to help cover the high cost of postage for the newsletter. Others would show their appreciation for my efforts and financial sacrifice by sharing their own talents with me by sending me their artwork and drawings. The only subscription “price” I ever charged for the free newsletter was a letter from each subscriber every 3 months, or every 3 issues. I never made a dime off of the newsletter, I never desired to make money off the Truth. The focus and mission of my ministry, C.P.T.M., has always been to spread facts and information with a thought provoking jolt. Whether I am ministering, teaching, speaking, or writing, I am always myself and seek to put my heart and soul into everything I do for the Cause. I have given lectures and speeches pouring everything I have into them and feeling like I was going to collapse afterwards. I don’t just seek to give people information they can use, I seek to share my passion with them. I love God and am unashamed to say I am in love with Jesus. I love my People and would like to see them prosper and do as good as they can in life. I love Freedom, and I believe Yahweh (God) meant for us descendants of Adam & Eve to live Free. I love Truth and I love seeking out all the Truth I can find, because as the Master, Christ, said truth does set you Free.
I have never been a “bleeding heart” when it comes to criminals. I believe crime comes with a price, and that price must be paid by the guilty. I also don’t believe all prisoners are criminals. Some in prison are innocent of the crimes they were convicted of, but that is a tiny percentage. With the advent of D.N.A. evidence used within the Court System, many prisoners have been released after new D.N.A. evidence exonerated them and found them to of been innocent all along. I realize a certain percentage of those set free after D.N.A. evidence proved their innocence are Negroes. I don’t care what race a person is, if they are innocent they do not deserve punishment. It is an injustice based on faulty facts and Truth is Truth. Not only is it wrong to convict the wrong person, it leaves the guilty free to roam the streets and victimize again, and again. I also realize that the vast majority of prisoners are in fact guilty of the crimes they are convicted of and deserve punishment. As I said, when I first started out I sought out only those in prison I thought were Political Prisoners. My definition of such a prisoner is one who is either in prison due to a “law” of man I find repugnant or hypocritical. Within my definition of a Political Prisoner is the prisoner who was a Patriot out on the streets, who may, or may not, of taken action that, though against some man-made “law”, was not immoral. I also include in that definition someone who had good intentions but just took the wrong, or even stupid, action. That last part of my definition is NOT meant to excuse those individuals and their crimes if those crimes were clearly criminal and simply covered with the explanation of “patriotic action”. If a man harms or kills another man, and it is not in self-defense or in defense of country (an act of war), then that homicide is murder plain and simple. The Holy Scripture in Genesis laid out the Law of Criminal Punishment for Murders long before the Mosaic Civil Code of Moses, which starts in Exodus. It says that if a man murders another he shall be executed. The Death Penalty for murders was NOT some “old Law of Moses” that was “done away with in the New Testament”. There is something mentally wrong with a person who murders another, in cold blood, simply for their ego’s sake. It is also mental illness to claim such a murder of an innocent person as some act of “protecting their race”. Speaking of Moses he only outlined 4 Lawful homicides: one, in personal self-defense, two, in war, three, accidental homicide, and four, execution of a convicted criminal. Any other homicide (technical term for one human killing another) is clearly defined in the Bible as murder. What seems to be the problem with some prisoners who are self-proclaimed “patriots” is defining the term “war”. War is that act of harming or killing a fellow enemy combatant. By the very spelling of the word “combatant” it is easy to see that it is someone actually, and literally, engaged in “combat” against what a soldier seeks to protect. Killing someone who simply does not have the same beliefs as you is NOT an “act of war”. Not if that person isn’t actively seeking war with you or what you love.
Murder is not the only CRIME some so-called “patriots” in prison have been convicted of and seek to justify as an “act of war”. Theft, assault, and other victimizations are also legitimate CRIMES and those who commit such acts deserve punishment. Not only have I dealt with prisoners who try to label their crimes of murder as “acts of patriotism”, but I have dealt with prisoners who have SOLD DRUGS and tried to justify it as such! Such drug dealers will say they were doing it to “provide funds” for the Cause. I say BULLSHIT!! I can not see anything wrong with alcohol usage in moderation. I also believe Cannabis should again be legal in this country and used for medicinal purposes. Matter-a-fact I don’t even believe in drug laws and certainly do not support the so-called “War on (some) Drugs”. That does NOT mean I support alcohol abuse or abuse and overuse of anything, including food for that matter. I realize Left-Wing Liberals in this country want drugs legalized and fast food and junk food restricted, but I want NO MORE silly prohibitions or Government regulations. What I would like to see is TRUE Justice exacted on TRUE Crimes. Murders, attempted murders and rapists should be executed, according to the way I understand the Bible and Natural Law. Speaking of rapists, I have discovered the occasional “sex-offender” on my mailing lists, after looking up their reasons for being imprisoned. I would add names and addresses upon request and sometimes not look up their crime until later when I had the chance to do so. For a grown adult to have sex, or attempt to, with a young child takes an incurable mental problem and unnatural and bizarre lust. The same for those who seek to violently force themselves sexually upon an unwilling adult. This is why Moses said rapists must be executed. I believe there is no cure for the sexually deviant criminal. I personally do NOT seek to even attempt to minister to such scum. There is no lower form of being in this world than a rapist or molester in my opinion. Why society does not demand the Legal System execute such crud I don’t know. Then again, why society doesn’t demand a better and saner legal and justice system in the first place I can’t understand. I do not believe in prisons, and do not think “locking someone up” is an effective form of criminal punishment. Not effective for criminal rehabilitation and not effective for society and tax payers.
In the over 6 years I have been dealing with prisoners, I have discovered certain things about the prison population. That discovery is more of a confirmation or thoughts I had all my life, those being that most belong in there! Not that I agree with penal systems for punishing criminals, but the fact that they are grouped with other criminals and kept away from society. Let me explain by sharing something with you. The truly repented and now Christian prisoner will understand what I mean when I say that the majority of those in prison belong there due to their own mental self-imprisonment. Until, or if, a convicted prisoner can admit their wrong and seeks to truly repent of justifying their evil deeds there will be no real positive change within the mind of that prisoner. False pride, self-justification and stubbornness lead a criminal minded person to stay a criminally minded person. In the half dozen plus years I have been receiving letters from prisoners I always gotten many promise-to-stay-in-contact-after-released letters. Out of the dozens of prisoners that got released during that period only 2 have remained in contact with my ministry since release. Oh sure, I would get a letter from a newly released prisoner informing me of their new street address so they could continue receiving the free newsletter, but that would be the end of any contact. My ministry certainly is not the only Christian Identity and patriotic one out there, but somehow I doubt that most of those freed prisoners continued their Christian spiritual growth. I also know that many liked prison so much they just couldn’t stay away and would continue their criminal lives and victimizing the innocent to get thrown back in. This repetitive cycle of criminal behavior is due to self-imprisonment of the criminal mind. To be set free of the criminal mind matrix a prisoner must not be sorry he/she got caught, but sorry he/she ever did wrong to anyone or society. Christianity requires genuine repentance for evil deeds done. Yes, I believe in pardons, the very basis of Christianity is based on Pardoning of Sin. Sin is the breaking of God’s Holy Laws. Yet nature teaches us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, socially and civilly speaking, there are consequences to one’s actions. I also understand that people may have had a hard life growing up and that may help to explain bad behavior, but it sure doesn’t excuse it. I had an alcoholic step-father who liked to bounce me off walls, does that give me an excuse to victimize others? Others have had just as bad a life growing up, or worse, than any criminal, yet they don’t grow up to victimize others. If you are going to claim superiority over the more child-like, lower, and darker races than act like you are superior and have some honor and dignity. That honor is not about being macho, or about being tough, it is about HOW YOU TREAT OTHERS! Those “others” includes the weakest and most vulnerable of our Folk in society. The “might is right” animalistic bullshit that leads some to think they have some “natural right” to victimize others weaker than they are, is bully bravado. How, pray tell, can a person who hates the bullying of a corrupt Government run amuck turn around and bully others themselves without being a hypocrite?! Some atheists and neo-pagans claim that mindset, but Christianity is a Faith that builds true character and helps one become a truly honorable person. Nature, as it applies to Mankind does not teach “only the strong survive”, it teaches the strong protect the weak. It is this difference from animals that makes us human, and civilized. Even some criminally minded prisoners will fight to protect their weaker, or injured, prison “comrades”, and that only serves to prove my point. We White descendants of Adam are not animals, damn it! Humanistic doctrines be damned, we can not compare our behaviors with animals! What makes me sick are those criminals that claim to be “patriots” yet victimize the innocent and seek to cover their crimes under the blanket of “patriotism”. That not only makes real Patriotism look bad it is insultive to those real Patriots who are in prison for Political Crimes, and that actually don’t belong in prison! As to the criminal prisoner I have respect for the one’s that simply admit their crime and accept their fates.
There are other Christian Identity ministers and ministries out there that have certainly been dealing with prisoners much longer than I have. They do their best to reach out to the incarcerated with their newsletters, publications and personal correspondences. Whereas my ministry is more of a commentary ministry in it’s publications, some other ministries are more geared for the “nuts and bolts” teachings. They get “down and dirty” with the technical aspects of Biblical terminologies and Scriptural theology. I touch on such topics and certain particulars in my own writings but I leave the technical writing to those who have more of a gift and drive for those sort of publications. Ministers and teachers such as: Richard Kelly Hoskins, Clifton Emahiser, Eli James and William Finck are masters at writing and explaining the fine points of our theology and historical aspects as well. I hold these men in high regard.
Ministers such as the 4 above mentioned theological writers have been sending Christian Identity related religious reading materials into prisons all over the country for years, some decades. I know for a fact they get the same flattering letters from prisoners I do. What I wonder is if they really realize how full of shit some of those letter writers are. I have gotten some of the most flattering letters from prisoners telling me how my ministry and writings have helped to change them and convert them into dedicated Christians. Yet some of those same flatters who wrote such letters to me got released and went right back to the pig slop of lives they lead before they got locked up. I’m not being critical here, just factual. I have also had such letter writers who I later found out were living pig-like lives in prison the whole time they were writing my ministry telling me how they have straightened up. Quiet frankly I am sick of it all. I personally know a particular ex-prisoner who was imprisoned for trying to take patriotic action that was not of the legal kind. He told me of the many years he did in prison, he watched fellow prisoners claim they were now Christian and patriotic Nationalists, live very wicked lives while in there. Yea, I know prison is a very unnatural environment for anyone to have to live in and requires certain behaviors that the “free” world don’t. So does this now ex-prisoner I know, yet he also knows, and I know, that assault (on the innocent), theft (from the innocent), drug use and other wickedness are not required prison survival behaviors. A true Christian seeks to retain his/her honor and behaves in a civilized manner and lives by a code written by God Himself. Christians are not pacifists and they are not followers of wicked men. Christians are leaders in their own right, even if it is just leading by example. Christians are to be Lights to the world, even the darkest and evilest of places like prisons.
I still will deal directly with a select few of prisoners. If you are a prisoner reading this to someone else loaning or giving it to you to read and have been on the C.P.T.M. mailing list in the past, but aren’t now, don’t take it personal. I have narrowed my ministry’s dealing with prisoners and I will keep it that way. One reason I have narrowed my prisoner addresses on the mailing list is simply due to cost. I just can’t afford to send out literature to all the people I used to. I know that prisoners share reading materials so there is no real need to mail something to every prisoner, or even to every prison for that matter. C.P.T.M. will focus more on special article publications as opposed to having a newsletter. Also personal correspondence will, out of necessity, be kept to a minimum due to time constraints. C.P.T.M. will also be heading in the directions of audio and visual recordings in the near future. I also hope to have a website up and running in the not-to-distant future. I seek a broader and more diverse audience besides just those within prisons. About 90% of C.P.T.M.’s resources were put on prisoners in the past.
C.P.T.M. will seek to minister to those thrown in prison for Political Crimes like resisting illegal taxation, unconstitutional gun laws and other such victimless “crimes”. I will also seek to minister to those Patriots who tried to “do something” about our country and protect our Nation, no matter how misguided they may have been in the past. But, I have to admit I am still human and I am “gun shy” about dealing any more with most prisoners that got there due to flat out criminal behavior. I have been quite embarrassed in the past may times by criminals claiming they have repented of their crimes to only get released and victimize innocent members of their Folk AGAIN! All to support their drug habits or otherwise parasitical lifestyles. So C.P.T.M. will have limited release into the Prisons, and more exposure will be sought in the general population of the “free” world.
It had once been my hope that the criminal minded could be changed. I now have come to accept the fact that most criminals will always be useless. If saying that offends you tough shit, if you can’t accept reality, that is your problem. Jesus Christ Himself said He did not come to save the whole world and that only a small percentage would be saved. Can some criminals change? Of course, but it is up to each one to make his/her own decision to actually change his/her very view of life. Most think the world owes them something, and they always have some sob story and set of lame excuses for their evil. Like the rest of the world only a small percentage of prisoners will ever truly repent and change. The very term “repent” means to change one’s mind, to change one’s direction. For that change to take affect a person must change their own mental outlook and way of thinking. For those with hardened and selfish hearts that is impossible to do. There is always the excuse, the reason for doing wrong to the criminally minded reprobate. A “reprobate” is a person with a mind that has no real conscious or concern for others but their self. They may say they love someone, or something, but that is only because that someone or something serves their selfish egotistical needs and desires.
I realize that prison guards can be very cruel and inhuman, but most don’t start their careers that way. They become desensitized due to the very unnatural environment of warehousing human beings. Kind of what happens to nursing home employees. Both forms of human warehousing are unnatural environments to begin with. But for the corrections guard it is worse, they know most of those they deal with at work are criminal predators and not good people to begin with. I once suggested in my newsletter to my prisoner readers to try to see things from the guards’ point of view and try to treat them with some humanity if they wanted it back. I soon got letters from some prisoners telling me it was working, the guards were being “nicer” to them. This is not about being weak, it is about strength, honor and self-respect. Those are some of the virtues of Christianity. A criminal who has locked him/her self into the self-imprisonment of criminality and criminal thinking can not comprehend seeing things from another’s point of view. Jesus said to do to others as we would have them do to us, and in so doing we would love our neighbor. If a person see’s God’s Command to “Love thy neighbor as you love yourself” as “weakness”, that person is (mentally) weak him/her self.
A sociopath (also termed a psychopath) is an individual who has no conscious towards others. The criminal mind is a sociopathic mind in my estimation. I have noticed many prisoners and ex-prisoners I have met, seen or know of that simply express regret of being in prison. Yet oddly enough very few ever express honest regret for victimizing innocent people or society with the crimes they committed. No sorrow is ever manifested or repentance ever admitted by a majority of such criminals. Not all criminals are sociopaths, though many may exhibit sociopathic tendencies or symptoms. Not all true sociopaths are crimes that commit crimes either. A non-criminal sociopath only stays legal simply because they get what they want in life without a need for breaking laws of man. Also a non-criminal sociopath will not commit crimes simply due to self-preservation, but not due to any moral convictions of their heart. I also realize younger adults that commit crimes sometimes do so simply due to immaturity. Hey, well all do stupid stuff and make really bad decisions when we are young, and sometimes that includes crimes. Usually that immaturity is out-grown by age 25. During the ages of 16-25 emotion, and not logic, can get the best of young adults. Given the right combinations of circumstance a younger adult can end up doing some really dumb, and even illegal shit. In the Old Testament times a man wasn’t considered a “man”, or old enough to go to war until he reached age 20. A male member of the Israelite Tribe of Levi could enter into priesthood training as early as 25, but could not become an actual priest until age 30. This all confirms that mental, emotional and even moral maturity takes a while to get cemented into the minds of some. We all do not mature at the same rate, some are more mature at age 17 than some at age 24. Yet even a 10 year old knows the basics of Right & Wrong and also should have some level of empathy with others. The individual who rejects the feelings of empathy and sympathy for their victims has long before placed him/her self in a kind of self-imprisonment. A criminal who has victimized and is in prison for it was in a mental prison long before being thrown into a physical one. In other-words the prison cell begins with the brain cell(s). The criminally minded are very selfish people psychologically. I don’t have a PHD in Psychology or Sociology but I do have lots of practical experience observing and paying attention to society. I have learned many things about the criminally minded and prisoner mind-set. I have also learned much about people in general and society as a whole. As much mockery Jesus Christ gets for His words of meekness, humbleness, sacrifice, servitude and loving your neighbor He gets proven to be right everyday. The person who is contained within there own self-imprisonment by the Sin of selfishness is not always a criminal, but a criminal is always selfish.
For a criminal to break free of self-imprisonment he/she must first seek to break free of selfishness. I came to realize that the C.P.T.M. Newsletter and it’s articles condemning evil Government for it’s tyrannies was being viewed by most of it’s readers in prison as reinforcement of the criminally minded to justify their own destructive behaviors. The articles were been read by many with criminal mindsets, and therefore the articles’ messages were being perceived as justification for rejection of any law and order. Let it be known here and now that I and my ministry stand for Law & Order. Natural Law and Biblical Order. My ministry stands in opposition to any bullying and victimization, whether done by a Government or an individual criminal. My ministry, being a Christian Identity and Christian Nationalist one, does teach racial theology and (social and political) philosophy, but that does not mean I support blind, ignorant racial hatred or hostility. Yet I found that many so-called “Aryans” in prison simply liked my writings because they perceived them as a source of ideological basis for their prison gangs of white skinned criminals. This in turn helped to justify censorship and rejection of my publications in some penal institutions. I may have had good and wholesome objectives, but some of the recipients of C.P.T.M. literature didn’t. This is NOT to say Identity religious racial reading material should not be allowed into prisons. Yet it is understandable for a Government arm (the penal systems) already hostile to (White) racial theologies and ideologies to constantly seek to limit such literature distribution. The Government System(s) of today are indeed wicked and very evil, yet as Christ said the devil can’t “cast out” the devil. To resist Evil you must be Good, or at least be striving on a daily basis to be Good. The racial and political struggles that are going on in the world are only but carnal (physical) manifestations of a greater Spiritual War that is taking place. The unrepentant wicked are not worthy to pull the Sword of Truth from the Stone (which the wicked reject), much less wield it in defense of Right. Christ clearly told us not to give that which is Holy to dirty dogs, or throw Pearls of Truth before pigs. I will continue to shine my Light for all in spiritual darkness to see; I will continue to sow seeds of Truth, hoping some land on spiritually good soil. But, I will also be testing the spirits (of individuals) as the New Testament teaches as well. I will continue being a “Fisher of Men”, but also checking my nets and casting the bad fish away, just as Christ’s disciples did in the written Gospel.
I realize some reading this will think I have become “prejudice” against all who are in prison. That is not the case at all. On the contrary, I am just as selective in my ministering in the “free” world as I am with those locked up. Just because some people are not criminally minded does not mean they aren’t self-imprisoned in the prison of selfishness!
Missin ya Brother Ryan.